(770) 853-9918 info@rainwaterpillow.com

Rainwater Harvesting – Home Installation

Rainwater Pillows are versatile and are suited for both commercial and home installations. In this video home owners will see how easy it is to install a Rainwater Pillow under a crawl space or deck of your home. Rainwater Pillows provide many benefits to the home owner. Most notably saving on water bills. An additional benefit is that watering your plants and lawn with rainwater is better than using city treated water that has chlorine. So your yard and plants will flourish.



Sweet Dreams, Rainwater Pillow

Low Impact Living gives the Low Down On Living Green

I  recently saw another solution at a green show here in LA – the Rainwater Pillow, designed by Jim Harrington, a landscape designer in the Atlanta area. It’s basically a big flat rubber bag that allows you to store and then reuse rainwater for landscape purposes.