(770) 853-9918 info@rainwaterpillow.com

3,000 Gallon Original Rainwater Pillow Rainwater Harvesting Installation

Gwinnett Tech Rainwater Pillow Installation. This 3,000 gallon Original Rainwater Pillow installation is at Gwinnett Tech in Atlanta, Georgia. The harvested rainwater will be used of landscape irrigation.

We build custom size pillows to 200,000 gallons. Complete rainwater harvesting system for potable & non-potable applications.

An Original Rainwater Pillow Restaurant Installation

Lure Restaurant – Green Shortz
The Original Rainwater Pillow was honored to be selected as part of the sustainability measures taken at the latest Fifth Group Restaurant eatery Lure, located in Midtown Atlanta. This is the first restaurant in Atlanta to use rainwater to flush toilets. Rainwater captured off the roof ans stored in The Original Rainwater Pillow located in the basement of the building. Green Shortz captured the story for both entities.